Week 1 Homework

You can print this page to track progress or copy the table into a spreadsheet to record progress.


Done Task Description Resources
  Worksheet Single Page Business Plan - review and research the information on this to make decisions on your business. W1 Single Page Business Plan
  Worksheet Company Information - review and research the information needed for this worksheet.

W2 Company Information

W3 Company Advisors and Owner

  Worksheet Product and Services - review and research the information needed on this sheet.

W4 Product, Services and Customers

  Find Location If need a location, begin search to confirm lease costs Websites
  Startup Costs Start researching startup and operating costs for your business. Get estimates or quotes for insurance, rent, equipment and marketing materials. Do this NOW to save time later! Excel Spreadsheet
-or PDF Versions-
W5 Startup Costs
  Business Plan Start entering information in the template - do not worry about finished sentences and paragraphs, at this stage just want to capture key concepts and thoughts!

Plan Template

Sample Plan

  Review Sites Go back through Week 1 webpages and visit the sites provided to explore the topics in more detail  


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