Welcome to the Rapid Business Planning Tool and Resource site. The information provided on these pages are for helping small businesses rapidly develop a written plan as a guide to starting up or expanding your business. Keeping it simple but effective is important. Worksheets are provided that can be completed by hand, or typed out using a PDF file editor.
The idea is that these worksheets will evolve to the point of being completed sections of your own personal business plan.
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Tip - if having trouble with Adobe Reader, you can try this alternative to fill in PDF forms FOXIT
One of the reasons for the worksheet approach is to develop a business plan that is summed up by a quote attributed to President Eisenhower:
"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything"
So the planning phase of writing a business plan is the most important part. Everything usually changes by the time you go to implement your business plan. But going through the planning process allows you to keep adapting and making the plan better and better. Focus on planning and capturing information on the worksheets, in a notebook, or in a folder on your PC.