Week 2 - Homework

Done Task Description Resources
  Advisers Contact Take a Professional to Lunch
CPA, Accountant, Insurance
  Find Location If need a location, begin search to confirm lease costs Websites
  Basic Info Continue using the Business Planning Worksheet to identify key information still needed for your plan.

W1 One Page Business Plan

W2 Business Plan Worksheet

W2a Company Information Sheet

  Costing Review and add additional production or service delivery costs to include on Tab 1 the sales forecast W5 Cost Sheet
  Business Plan Start entering information in the template - do not worry about finished sentences and paragraphs, at this stage just want to capture key concepts and thoughts! Business Plan Template
  Template Spend time filling in the template's tabs for start-up costs, equipment, facility and expenses. Get quotes or estimates for these. Ask NOW to avoid being surprised later! Financial Template
  Marketing Next week is marketing section of the business plan. Be sure to know your NAICS code(s) using the link provided. NAICS Code Lookup Link
  Marketing Download this document to see tips to start getting the information you'll need to plan a successful marketing strategy! W6 Market Research Plan
  Financial In class, cash flow will be reviewed using a simple fishbowl diagram. This is a blank version. W7 Cash Flow Diagram (blank)
  Marketing Researching and understanding your competition is key. Use this worksheet to define your direct, indirect, online and nontraditional competition.  W8 Competitive Analysis


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