Week 3 - Market and Customer Research Tools

Here are some useful links to obtain information on your markets and customers. However, this does not replace a trip to your local library to meet with a reference librarian to use the more extensive resources offered there!


www.google.com   Popular Search Engine

                              Search Tips: Google Tip Sheet

                              Google News and Search Alerts plus many more!


Be careful! this is a HUGE site and easy to get lost. Once you find something useful be sure to download and jot down how you found it for future reference!


www.census.gov  Census Data MAIN SITE
       http://factfinder2.census.gov/  BETTER SITE TO USE! - SIMPLER!


This site provides a limited number of popular industry reports you can view online. Good for general background.



Fee-based Information

www.bizstats.com Sample Business Ratios

www.bizminer.com Fee-based Business Ratios $79 - $199

www.firstresearch.com Fee-based market reports $100 - $500

www.ibisworld.com Fee-based market reports $500 - $4,000


Sign-Up for FREE Trade Publications

http://www.tradepub.com/ Free Market/Industry Magazines